Quebec Provincial Apprenticeship Accreditation System

Time credits are no longer given to candidates who followed theory (in-school) training for the trades that are regulated by the Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale. However, candidates have the possibility of having their training recognized. Training recognition is a process by which those responsible for apprenticeship in a province or territory evaluates and recognizes training programs as beings equivalent to the formal instruction and/or on-the-job training components of an apprenticeship program. It is also possible to obtain time credits for practical training as long as the hours were accumulated under the supervision of a trainer who has an applicable certificate of qualifications and that the conditions of the training mimick those of the industry.

Two main purposes of training recognition are to assure students, employers and the public that some training programs meet or exceed established standards and to facilitate the mandatory access to information to prospective apprentices who would like to sign up for accredited training programs. Recognition also provides an auditing mechanism independent of the training system, and provides guideline for the improvement of training and the development of future programs to meet the needs of industry.

To be recognized, a training program must meet the following general criteria: