Nunavut Territorial Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) System

Credits may be granted under three (3) categories for applicants entering an apprenticeship program.

  1. Technical or Technology Courses:
    • An apprenticeship applicant who has completed a two-year trade/technology program may be granted 3,600 hour time credit and technical training credit for all levels upon passing the appropriate block examination(s) as part of the progressive apprenticeship assessment process.
    • An applicant who has completed a one-year trade/technology program may be granted 1,800 hour time credit and technical training credit for first and second level of apprenticeship, upon passing the appropriate block examination(s) as part of the progressive PLAR assessment process.
    • For full-time technology program graduates, the time credit is spread over the entire apprenticeship contract when they become registered apprentices.
  2. Approved Related Trade Courses:
    • Graduates from accredited pre-employment, pre-apprenticeship and vocational high school courses may be granted hour-for-hour time credit to a maximum of 1,800 hours and are allowed to write first and second apprenticeship block examinations via progressive examination method, prior to entering into their apprenticeship contracts.
  3. Work Experience:
    • Time credit for previous work experience may be granted. All credits are assessed as part of the apprenticeship application process and may be accounted for at the start of the apprenticeship contract. The Nunavut Apprenticeship Certification Unit conducts the assessment with prior recommendation of the employer. The validated time credits may be balanced across the apprenticeship years.