Red Seal Endorsement Offered (Yes/No)
Indicates whether or not the province or territory can offer a Red Seal endorsement for this trade
Apprenticeship Training Provided (Yes/No)
Indicates whether or not the province or territory provides a designated apprenticeship training program for this trade
Pre-Apprenticeship Training Available (Yes/No)
Indicates whether or not there is an approved period of training available before a person has registered as an apprentice
Levels of Technical Training
Technical training is also called "in-school" training; it is often delivered across several levels, or blocks of time. This indicates the number of levels or blocks available in each participating province or territory's program for the trade
Technical Training Available (Yes/No)
Technical training is also called "in-school" training; it is delivered by training providers approved by the province or territory and can be delivered in blocks, part-time, or prior to on-the-job. This response indicates whether or not the province or territory provides technical training
Total Training Hours (On-The-Job plus Technical Training)
Indicates the sum of on-the-job training hours plus technical training hours. Note not all apprenticeship programs are hours-based
On-The-Job Training Hours
Indicates the on-the-job training hours required for completion by each apprentice. Note not all apprenticeship programs are hours-based
3 1/2 years
Technical Training (Total Hours)
Indicates the sum for all levels of technical training hours, when available
Technical Training (Total Weeks)
Indicates the sum for all levels of technical training weeks
Ratio of Journeyperson to Apprentice
Most apprenticeship programs set a maximum number of apprentices that may be supervised by each supervising journeyperson, called a ratio
Trade Qualifier Challenge Option (Yes/No)
Trade qualifiers are people who have experience working in the trade, but have not completed an apprenticeship program in Canada. This indicates if the province or territory allows these experienced but uncertified workers to challenge certification examinations once they have demonstrated proof of eligible trade experience
Required Hours for Trade Qualifier
Provinces and Territories dictate a minimum number of required hours working in a trade for a trade qualifier to be eligible to challenge any certification examination; candidates must also demonstrate experience that covers the trade’s practices
Compulsory/Voluntary (C/V) Certification Required by Apprenticeship Authority
Provinces and Territories designate each trade as compulsory or voluntary. Work in Compulsory trades can only be performed by certified journeypersons or registered apprentices. Work in Voluntary trades' may legally be performed with or without certification or apprenticeship training
Other Certification/Licensing Requirements (Yes/No – if Yes, see P/T website for details)
In some cases, there are external bodies that require certification/licensing to practice a trade, besides the apprenticeship authority. If this is the case, individual provinces or territories can provide further details
Practical Level Examinations
Indicates if there a practical, or hands-on demonstration of skills is required to advance past each level of training
Written Level Examinations
Indicates if written examinations are required to successfully complete and advance past each level of training
Practical Final Examination
Indicates if practical, or hands-on demonstrations of skills required to successfully complete for certification
Written Certification Examination
Indicates if there is a written examination required for certification. In many provinces and territories, the Red Seal examination is used for both certification and Red Seal endorsement. In some provinces and territories, this may be a specific examination for certification in that jurisdiction, written prior to attempting the Red Seal interprovincial examination for Red Seal endorsement